Badly Drawn Boy, aka Damon Gough, is set to make his eagerly awaited return with the release of a new album through AWAL on the 22nd of May 2020.
‘Banana Skin Shoes’ features fourteen brand new tracks including the political pop of current single ‘Is This A Dream?’ and sees Gough pushing forward yet again both musically and lyrically whilst retaining some of his classic trademarks. The bulk of the album’s production was completed at Eve Studios in Stockport last year with producer Gethin Pearson (Kele Okereke, JAWS) who also mixed the whole record. Damon had previously worked on tracks for the album with legendary producer Youth (The Verve, Paul McCartney) at his studio in London, Keir Stewart (ex-Durutti Column) at Inch Studios and Seadna McPhail at Airtight Studios.